Long time ago, in a forest existed luxurious and fame kingdom, named Prambanan kingdom. Peaceful and prosperous kingdom was led by wise and glorious king named Prabubaka. The god bestowed Prabubaka beautiful daughter named rorojonggrang, her beauty was as same as the light of the moon, but in the other side king pengging who led Pengging kingdom by his leadership greed wanted to defeat and dominate all kingdoms. But once, he had an awesome power that he owned a genie troops. Then the god bestowed king pengging bold son named Bandung Bondowoso, he had the same power with the father.

            As the day went by, peace turned to be chaos when Prabubaka got letter from king Pengging that notified Pengging’s troops would come and attack Prambanan kingdom, it was caused by one of Prambanan societies maltreated one of Pengging societies, breeze turned to be scary typhoon.

Troop              : sorry my lord, king Pengging send this letter for you.
Prabubaka      : oh, what letter is it? (read the letter) haaa.

            Prabubaka was snapped out by this letter, but by his prudence. He directly gathered all the troops and notified about the letter, all the troops were surprised upon hearing that notification. Cool condition changed to be blessing anger.

Prabubaka       : all my forceful troops, this letter notify that Pengging troops will come and attack our kingdom sooner

            In the day after,  all Pengging troops went to Prambanan kingdom, a voice echoed from the armor of Pengging’s troops approached Prambanan kingdom, in haste all Prambanan’s troops got ready in front of their kingdom to face Pengging’s troops. Pengging troops who was led by Bandung Bondowoso had bigger quantity than Prambanan’s troops. Immediately, the clash of blade echoed loudly.

Bandung          : all my troops, that is Prambanan kingdom, bear your arms an attack. Uaaaaaachhhh

            Fire battle drained their energy. Prambanan’s troops started surrendering and they surrendered upon seeing Prabubaka was killed by Bandung Bondowoso. In haste all Prambanans’ troops escaped to safeguard themselves. But, the beautiful daughter of Prabubaka kept silent on the bad, she cried alone, and Bandung Bondowoso went around of the kingdom. When he was going round, he was so surprised, when he smell fragrant smell from a room. Slowly he come to the room and tried to open the door, and beautiful girl was sitting down on the bad. It was rorojonggrang. Upon seeing rorojonggrang, Bandung Bodowoso felt in love toward her. And he always tried to say “would you mine to be my princes”, but rorojonggrang save a big grudge against Bandung Bondowoso, because he had killed her beloved father. Continuously Bandung Bondowoso said that word, rorojonggrang forced to received, but it was not as easy as flipping hand, rorojonggrang gave two requirements to Bandung Bondowoso, that he had to make 1000 temples and 2 wells in a night. And Bandung Bondowoso received those requirements.

Rorojonggrang           : if you always force me, I will receive you. But one, you are to make me 1000 temples and 2 wells in a night, if you cannot do that, so will not be my prince.

            Indirect, Bandung Bondowoso came and asked for help to the father in making 100 temples and 2 wells in a night. Suddenly, king Pengging called all his genies to help Bandung Bondowoso.

Pengging         : all my genies troops please come and help my son to make 100 temples and 2 wells in a night.

            No more wasting time, all the genies did Pengging ordered, when they were doing  their work, and the work was pretty well done, unexpectedly, the lady in waiting of rorojonggrang saw their work, and she was surprised their work was pretty well done remain a temple and a well. In haste, she notified rorojonggrang. “princes roro, their work was pretty well done remain a temple and a well”. Rorojonggrang was snapped out by her  notification. She was really confused to look for many ways, but, unexpectedly, the lady in waiting talk rorojonggrang. “princes roro, all the workers are genie, genie is afraid of the rising of down, and the crow of cork to create the rising of down, we should burn straw. To crow the cork we should pound the mortar”. No more wasting time, all the ladies in waiting did all their suggestion, And they prospered all their sentences. The down rose and the cock crowed. “hah, hah, hah. The cock crows, hah, hah, hah, down rises. Lets go” all the genies escaped from their work, Bandung Bondowoso was really angry at them, and he was more angry when he knew the truth that it was the deception of rorojonggrang to stop Bandung Bondowo’s wish. Then Bandung Bondowoso cursed rorojonggrang to complete the last temple and all the ladies in waiting.

Bandung          : rorojonggrang, I know that it was your deception to stop my wish, the temple remain a temple, to complete that, I curse you to be the last. Aaarrgghh, and you all, the ladies in waiting you will not marry till you are old.

            Suddenly rorojonggrang was cursed to be the last temple, it was really sad ending.

MORAL VALUE : character building is really needed by us to create a better future, if you don’t own that, so you do not want to own an awesome pleasure.


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