The Story of TIMUN EMAS
Once upon time, in small village, there was a widow
living alone because there was no anybody beside of her. She felt lonely and
dreamed of the presence of a child. In the same village lived an old giant that
he knew the uneasiness of the widow. And finally, he helped her by giving a
cucumber seeds to be planted at the widow’s lawn.
Giant: Hey widow, I know you are alone and
dreaming of the presence of a child. So, plant these cucumber seeds on your
lawn and you will find an amazing along it.
Widow: What amazing is that? It is impossible.
Giant: Shut up your fussy mouth!! There is no
impossible for me (laugh)
After the widow took
care of the cucumber seeds, several day later suddenly there was one which was
large and shined like a gold, and she directly picked it up and slit it
carefully “Wow!! How surprised she was” She found a cute baby girl inside of
cucumber. And she named the baby as Timun Emas. She loved timun emas so bad.
Time passed so quickly,
timun emas was 10 years old, and she was becoming a beautiful and clever girl.
Nobody was beautiful as timun emas. But one day, the giant asked for timun emas
as his meal eating (delicius). But actually, the widow loved timun emas so
much, until the giant came.
Giant: Hey widow! Where is your daughter? Don’t
hide her. I’m gonna eat her now.
Widow: Oh sir, no! Please!! Please!! Give me a
longer time for living with her because I love her so much.
Giant: Akh.. okay.. if that you want. I will
hold your promise.
Luckily, the giant
agreed to hold calm his patient. 7 years later, timun emas had grown up in
adult. Sunny, windy, and coldness had been felt by timun emas and the widow.
Unfortunately, the giant could not patient anymore. He was very enthusiast to
get timun emas as his meal eating.
Giant: Where are you timun emas? I know you are
hiding here!! Just show your face, I’m gonna eat youn now.
Timun Emas: Oh no!! Who is that mom? I’m scared!!
And then, the widow
directly gave her bamboo spear and package of salt, and she ordered timun emas
to run into a mountain.
It was morning, the
birds were twittering on the sky (bird voice) it was the voice. Suddenly, the
giant came to ask what the widow’s promise. And the widow ordered timun emas to
run through the back door. When timus emas arrived in the mountain. She was
almost arrested by the giant. No any word to say, she threw all the salts, and
surprisingly it was becoming a large sea. But the giant would not stop chasing
her. Even he sank into the sea.
Giant: Aaarrrggghh stop!!! You are impossible to
leave me and I’m gonna eat you.
No longer after, they
run after run, finally timun emas used the bamboo spear to finish him off.
Timun Emas: Wow.. I’m not afraid of you!! This is me
myself will kill you in my grab, get it!!
In the end of the
story, the giant was passed away.
MORAL VALUE: Life is only a Harry Poter, happy and
scary but will potencially be better.
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