
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2017


            Long time ago, in a forest existed luxurious and fame kingdom, named Prambanan kingdom. Peaceful and prosperous kingdom was led by wise and glorious king named Prabubaka. The god bestowed Prabubaka beautiful daughter named rorojonggrang, her beauty was as same as the light of the moon, but in the other side king pengging who led Pengging kingdom by his leadership greed wanted to defeat and dominate all kingdoms. But once, he had an awesome power that he owned a genie troops. Then the god bestowed king pengging bold son named Bandung Bondowoso, he had the same power with the father.             As the day went by, peace turned to be chaos when Prabubaka got letter from king Pengging that notified Pengging’s troops would come and attack Prambanan kingdom, it was caused by one of Prambanan societies maltreated one of Pengging societies, breeze turned to be scar...

The Legend of Malin Kundang

            Once upon a time, there was a poor family that was consisting of a mother and her son, named Malin Kundang. Malin and his mother lived in hut in a small village near by the sea, especially in the west Sumatra. They were very-very poor.             One day, Malin Kundang thought that, he had to leave his village, and looked for a job. So he decided to go, and asked permission to his mother. Malin : Mom, I have to leave this village and look for a job, so, we will have better life. I know it is hard to reside mom, but I should go. I promise you, if I have been success man, I will be back. So, what happened with his mother, his mother was really-really sad to hear it. But, she knew that, Malin Kundang was right, so she let him go. But after Malin Kundang had leaved, every day she went to the beach, and hoped her son would return soon. Mother : It’s been a lon...

The Story of TIMUN EMAS

Once upon time, in small village, there was a widow living alone because there was no anybody beside of her. She felt lonely and dreamed of the presence of a child. In the same village lived an old giant that he knew the uneasiness of the widow. And finally, he helped her by giving a cucumber seeds to be planted at the widow’s lawn. Giant : Hey widow, I know you are alone and dreaming of the presence of a child. So, plant these cucumber seeds on your lawn and you will find an amazing along it. Widow : What amazing is that? It is impossible. Giant : Shut up your fussy mouth!! There is no impossible for me (laugh)             After the widow took care of the cucumber seeds, several day later suddenly there was one which was large and shined like a gold, and she directly picked it up and slit it carefully “Wow!! How surprised she was” She found a cute baby girl inside of cucumber. And she named the baby as Timun Emas. She lo...

The Legend of Surabaya

            Once upon time in a big and spacious sea, lived two animals, they were Sura and Baya. Sura and Baya were strong, smart, and greedy. But in every day, especially abeside of the sea, there would always be a battle between Sura and Baya. Because Sura was Baya’s enemy.  In the fire battle there was no one winning and loosing. It was equal. And finally they made an agreement, they divided the area to be two, that Baya should live in a mainland and Sura should live in water, then they could do that. Sura : I’m so bored to always fight with you, Baya. Baya : I’m too. What should we do now, in order to prevent our fighting. Sura : We had better divide our area to be two. You must live in mainland and I’m in water. So you must look for a victim in your area. And I’m too. Baya : Yeah, I agree with that.             They got small talk each other in the midd...