Long time ago, in a forest existed luxurious and fame kingdom, named Prambanan kingdom. Peaceful and prosperous kingdom was led by wise and glorious king named Prabubaka. The god bestowed Prabubaka beautiful daughter named rorojonggrang, her beauty was as same as the light of the moon, but in the other side king pengging who led Pengging kingdom by his leadership greed wanted to defeat and dominate all kingdoms. But once, he had an awesome power that he owned a genie troops. Then the god bestowed king pengging bold son named Bandung Bondowoso, he had the same power with the father. As the day went by, peace turned to be chaos when Prabubaka got letter from king Pengging that notified Pengging’s troops would come and attack Prambanan kingdom, it was caused by one of Prambanan societies maltreated one of Pengging societies, breeze turned to be scar...